Short description
ସମ୍ପାଦନାUsing this script allows you to easily navigate diffs, articles' histories and articles themselves. A feature-rich drop down menu offers various functions to jump to a certain revision which is situated before or after the selected revision. Besides default parameters, configurable requests can be done. Further, the default setting can be personalized.
How can I use that script?
With default setting as a gadget
ସମ୍ପାଦନାFor activating the script with default setting simply click at Special:Preferences on the slider “Gadgets”. In section “User interface gadgets: editing” you can find the statement „The revisionjumper creates an interface which allows you to jump between different revisions.“ To activate the gadget click on the checkbox before the text and save by clicking on “Save”. Afterwards clear the cache of your current browser: For Internet Explorer hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. For Firefox hold down the Shift key while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R). Konqueror and Safari users can just click the Reload button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache. The script can be used without any other changes. For those individual settings mentioned below the script has to be activated in you monobook or vector skin (see next section).
With individual setting in your skin
ସମ୍ପାଦନାTo activate your script with all functions simply add following lines to your monobook or vector skin:
// Module: revisionjumper.js Allows to jump between diffs and permanent links importScript('MediaWiki:Gadget-revisionjumper.js'); // [[MediaWiki:Gadget-revisionjumper.js]]
The script can now be used without further changes. Who wants to adjust display and functions of the script can do that with the actions mentioned below. After having saved the changes clear the cache of your current browser: For Internet Explorer hold down the Ctrl key and click the Refresh or Reload button. For Firefox hold down the Shift key while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R). Konqueror and Safari users can just click the Reload button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
Functions of the drop down menu
x revision(s) forward/backward
ସମ୍ପାଦନାBy selecting one option of the menu whose structure is like “x revision(s) forward/backward” a new diff between the selected and x steps different revision is shown. By default, jumps between 10, 50, 150, or 500 revisions are possible. That individually can be changed by defining a line like that one in your monobook or vector skin:
var numberrevisionjumper = new Array("25", "100", "250", "500");
Now the drop down menu would allow jumps of 25, 100, 250, or 500 revision. The order of the drop down menu only depends on the order of numbers in your monobook or vector skin – var numberrevisionjumper = new Array("300", "75", "100");
is possible. For wider or shorts jumps a function called „prompt revision(s)“ is available. If the requested revision would be before the creation of the article, the script jumps to the first one; if the requested one would be newer than the recent revision it will jump to that revision.
![]() |
![]() |
before | after |

x hour(s)/day(s)/month(s)/year(s) forward/backward
ସମ୍ପାଦନାBy selecting one option of the menu whose structure is like “x hour(s)/day(s)/month(s)/year(s) forward/backward” a new diff between the selected and x hour(s)/day(s)/month(s)/year(s) different revision is shown. By default, jumps for 1, 4, or 12 hour(s), 3, or 7 days, 1, or 3 month(s), 1, or 2 years are possible. That individually can be changed by defining a line like that one in your monobook or vector skin:
var timerevisionjumper = new Array("10h", "14d", "6m", "5a");
So first the number has to be added (here: 10, 14, 6 and 5) and directly (!) behind it the shortcut for hour (h), day (d), month (m) and year (a). The order of the drop down menu only depends on the order of time in your monobook or vector skin – var timerevisionjumper = new Array("3a", "21d", "1a");
is possible. For other times a function called „skip over time“ is available. If the requested revision would be before the creation of the article, the script jumps to the first one; if the requested one would be newer than the recent revision it will jump to that revision.

prompt revision(s)
ସମ୍ପାଦନାAfter having clicked „prompt revision(s)“ a popup appears which requests how many revisions you want to jump. The popup only accepts absolute numbers and will request a value it until a valid number will have been added. By clicking „Cancel“ you can avoid that. If you're jumping forward or backward depends on the particular drop down menu. If the requested revision would be before the creation of the article, the script jumps to the first one; if the requested one would be newer than the recent revision it will jump to that revision.

skip over time
ସମ୍ପାଦନାAfter having clicked „skip over time“ a popup appears which requests the time you want to jump from the selected revision. If you're jumping forward or backward depends on the particular drop down menu. The popup informs you about the needed information – it's exactly the same as mentioned concerning predefined time jumps. A predefined example which has to be changed is mentioned in the popup. If the requested revision would be before the creation of the article, the script jumps to the first one; if the requested one would be newer than the recent revision it will jump to that revision.

skip to time
ସମ୍ପାଦନାAfter having clicked „skip to time“ a popup appears which requests you the time you want to jump to. It doesn't matter whether you're using the left or right drop down menu. The structure is explained in the popup and has to be observed. If the requested revision would be before the creation of the article, the script jumps to the first one; if the requested one would be newer than the recent revision it will jump to that revision.

first/current revision
ସମ୍ପାଦନାClicking onto „first/last revision“ generates a diff between the selected and first resp. current revision of the article.
Where are those functions available?
ସମ୍ପାଦନାThe functions are not only available in diffs but also in permanent links. In both cases a diff from the selected to the calculated revision will be opened. Who wants to jump inbetween permanent links so that no diff but permanent links are shown can add following lines to his/her monobook resp. vector skin:
var getoldid = true;

This technique can also be switched on in articles' histories where a diff between the upper and the calculated revision will be opened. Thereto following lines have to be added to your monobook or vector skin:
var displayonhistory = true;

The functions can also be switched on in the usual article view. Thereto following lines have to be added to your monobook or vector skin:
var displayonview = true;
Whether a diff or a permanent link will opened while jumping from the selected to an older or newer revision also depends the addition of var getoldid = true;
as described above.

Generally all functions are only displayed when that's useful to do. However, who wants to disable them in diffs resp. permanent links can customize that. To disable those functions in permanent links following lines have to be added to your monobook or vector skin:
var disabledisplayonpermalink = true;

To disable those functions in diffs following lines have to be added to your monobook or vector skin:
var disabledisplayondiff = true;
Function: ← next-to-last editor
ସମ୍ପାଦନାThis function initiates a diff between all changes of the last user. They are only shown if the current diff shows on both sides the same user and there's not only one author. To disable this function following lines have to be added to your monobook or vector skin:
var disablepenultimateeditor = true;
revision before clicking
revision after having clicked
Function: ← changes since my last edit →
ସମ୍ପାଦନାThis function initiates a diff between my last edit in that given article and the current revision. They are only shown if you're not the only or last editor. To disable this function following lines have to be added to your monobook or vector skin:
var disablechangessincemylastedit = true;
revision before clicking
revision after having clicked
My question was not answered here!
ସମ୍ପାଦନାSo please write your question onto the talk page.
ସମ୍ପାଦନା- 0.0.1–<1.0.0: Development partially here and there.
- 1.0.0: first stable version
- 1.0.1: first fix for IE
- 1.1.0: functions only shown when useful; another button to show all changes since one's last own edit; for action=history enabled
- 1.1.1: each function can be switched on or off; diffs and permanant links are default, articles' histories and usual article view addable
- 1.1.2: the script can now globally be included by
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+wgServer+wgScriptPath+'/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-revisionjumper.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"><\/script>');
The texts can be localized on de:MediaWiki:Gadget-revisionjumper-config.js. - 1.2.0: another link shows the diff of candidates of dewiki's 11th writing contest from 2009-09-01 00:00 UTC+2 until 2009-09-30 24:00 UTC+2
- 1.2.1: script now useable on secure
- 1.2.2: fix for the writhing contest
- 1.2.3: writing contest removed
- 1.2.3: fix for secure
- 1.2.4: fix for secure