"ମଡ୍ୟୁଲ:Citation/CS1" ପୃଷ୍ଠାର ସଂସ୍କରଣ‌ଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ତଫାତ

Content deleted Content added
synch from sandbox;
synch from sandbox;
୧୫୩ କ ଧାଡ଼ି:
if not domain:match ('^[%a%d]') then -- first character must be letter or digit
return false;
if domain:match ('^%a+:') then -- hack to detect things that look like s:Page:Title where Page: is namespace at wikisource
return false;
Line ୩୯୯ ⟶ ୪୦୩:
local path;
local base_url;
if not is_set( label ) then
label = URL;
Line ୪୧୯ ⟶ ୪୨୩:
base_url = table.concat({ "[", URL, " ", safe_for_url (label), "]" }); -- assemble a wikimarkup url
if is_set (access) then -- access level (subscription, registration, limited)
base_url = substitute (cfg.presentation['ext-link-access-signal'], {cfg.presentation[access].class, cfg.presentation[access].title, base_url}); -- add the appropriate icon
Line ୫୯୩ ⟶ ୫୯୭:
return substitute( cfg.messages[key], str );
--[[--------------------------< W I K I S O U R C E _ U R L _ M A K E >----------------------------------------
makes a wikisource url from wikisource interwiki link. returns the url and appropriate label; nil else.
str is the value assigned to |chapter= (or aliases) or |title= or |title-link=
local function wikisource_url_make (str)
local wl_type, D, L;
local ws_url, ws_label;
wl_type, D, L = is_wikilink (str); -- wl_type is 0 (not a wikilink), 1 (simple wikilink), 2 (complex wikilink)
if 0 == wl_type then -- not a wikilink; might be from |title-link=
str = D:match ('^[Ww]ikisource:(.+)') or D:match ('^[Ss]:(.+)'); -- article title from interwiki link with long-form or short-form namespace
if is_set (str) then
ws_url = table.concat ({ -- build a wikisource url
'https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/', -- prefix
str, -- article title
ws_label = str; -- label for the url
elseif 1 == wl_type then -- simple wikilink: [[Wikisource:ws article]]
str = D:match ('^[Ww]ikisource:(.+)') or D:match ('^[Ss]:(.+)'); -- article title from interwiki link with long-form or short-form namespace
if is_set (str) then
ws_url = table.concat ({ -- build a wikisource url
'https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/', -- prefix
str, -- article title
ws_label = str; -- label for the url
elseif 2 == wl_type then -- non-so-simple wikilink: [[Wikisource:ws article|displayed text]] ([[L|D]])
str = L:match ('^[Ww]ikisource:(.+)') or L:match ('^[Ss]:(.+)'); -- article title from interwiki link with long-form or short-form namespace
if is_set (str) then
ws_label = D; -- get ws article name from display portion of interwiki link
ws_url = table.concat ({ -- build a wikisource url
'https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/', -- prefix
str, -- article title without namespace from link portion of wikilink
if ws_url then
ws_url = mw.uri.encode (ws_url, 'WIKI'); -- make a usable url
ws_url = ws_url:gsub ('%%23', '#'); -- undo percent encoding of anchor
return ws_url, ws_label, L or D; -- return proper url or nil and a label or nil
Line ୬୦୫ ⟶ ୬୬୧:
local function format_chapter_title (scriptchapter, chapter, transchapter, chapterurl, chapter_url_source, no_quotes, access)
local chapter_error = '';
local ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (chapter); -- make a wikisource url and label from a wikisource interwiki link
if ws_url then
ws_label = ws_label:gsub ('_', ''); -- replace underscore separaters with space characters
chapter = ws_label;
if not is_set (chapter) then
chapter = ''; -- to be safe for concatenation
Line ୬୧୯ ⟶ ୬୮୧:
if is_set (chapterurl) then
chapter = external_link (chapterurl, chapter, chapter_url_source, access); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate
elseif ws_url then
chapter = external_link (ws_url, chapter .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in chapter'); -- adds bare_url_missing_title error if appropriate; space char to move icon away from chap text; TODO: better way to do this?
chapter = substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, chapter});
Line ୮୨୨ ⟶ ୮୮୭:
return str; -- nothing to do, we're done
str = str:gsub ('&[nm]dash;', {['&ndash;'] = '–', ['&mdash;'] = '—'}); -- replace &mdash; and &ndash; entities with their characters; semicolon mucks up the text.split
local out = {};
Line ୧,୩୪୨ ⟶ ୧,୪୦୯:
extensions. For example, code 'cbk-zam' and its associated name 'Chavacano de Zamboanga' (MediaWiki does not support
code 'cbk' or name 'Chavacano'. Most (all?) of these languages are not used a 'language' codes per se, rather they
are used as sub-domain names: cbk-zam.wikipedia.org. TheseA nameslist canof belanguage foundnames (forand thecodes timesupported being)by atfetchLanguageNames()
can be found at Template:Citation Style documentation/language/doc
Names but that are included in the list will be found if that name is provided in the |language= parameter. For example,
if |language=Chavacano de Zamboanga, that name will be found with the associated code 'cbk-zam'. When names are found
and the associated code is not two or three characters, this function returns only the WikimediaWikiMedia language name.
Some language names have multiple entries under different codes:
Aromanian has code rup and code roa-rup
When this occurs, this function returns the language name and the 2- or 3-character code
Adapted from code taken from Module:Check ISO 639-1.
Line ୧,୩୫୮ ⟶ ୧,୪୨୯:
local ietf_code; -- because some languages have both ietf-like codes and iso 639-like codes
local ietf_name;
local languages = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames(this_wiki_code, 'all') -- get a list of language names known to Wikimedia
-- ('all' is required for North Ndebele, South Ndebele, and Ojibwa)
local langlc = mw.ustring.lower(lang); -- lower case version for comparisons
for code, name in pairs(languages) do -- scan the list to see if we can find our language
if langlc == mw.ustring.lower(name) then
if 2 ~== code:len() andor 3 ~== code:len() then -- two- or three-character codes only; extensions not supported
return name, code; -- so return the name but notand the code
returnietf_code name,= code; -- foundremember it,that returnwe namefound toan ensureietf-like proper capitalizationcode and thesave theits codename
ietf_name = name; -- but keep looking for a 2- or 3-char code
return lang; -- notdidn't validfind language;name returnwith language2- inor original3-char casecode; andif nilietf-like forcode thefound codereturn
return ietf_code and ietf_name or lang; -- associated name; return original language text else
Line ୧,୪୦୪ ⟶ ୧,୪୮୦:
for _, lang in ipairs (names_table) do -- reuse lang
name = cfg.lang_code_remap[lang:lower()]; -- first see if this is a code that is not supported by MediaWiki but is in remap
if lang:match ('^%a%a%-')name then -- stripthere ietfwas languagea tags fromremapped code; TODO: is there a need to support 3-char with tag?so
lang = lang:matchgsub ('^(%a%a%a?)%-.*', '%1') ; -- keepstrip onlyietf 639-1tags code portion to lang; TODO: do something with 3166 alpha 2 countryfrom code?
if 2 == lang:len() ormatch 3 == lang:len('^%a%a%-') then -- ifstrip two-orietf three-charactertags from code; TODO: is there a need to support 3-char with tag?
lang = lang:match ('(%a%a)%-') -- keep only 639-1 code portion to lang; TODO: do something with 3166 alpha 2 country code?
name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( lang:lower(), this_wiki_code); -- get language name if |language= is a proper code
if not is_set (name) then
if 2 == lang:len() or 3 == lang:len() then -- if two-or three-character code
name = cfg.lang_code_remap[lang]; -- not supported by MediaWiki; is it in remap?
name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName (lang:lower(), this_wiki_code); -- get language name if |language= is a proper code
if is_set (name) then -- if |language= specified a valid code
code = lang:lower(); -- save it
Line ୧,୪୪୧ ⟶ ୧,୫୧୯:
code = #language_list -- reuse code as number of languages in the list
if 2 >= code then
name = table.concat (language_list, cfg.messages[' and parameter-pair-separator']) -- insert '<space>and<space>' between two language names
elseif 2 < code then
language_list[code]name = 'and ' .table.concat (language_list[code], ', '); -- prependand last nameconcatenate with 'and<comma><space>' separators
name = table.concatname:gsub (language_list', ([^,]+)$', cfg.messages['parameter-final-separator'] .. '%1') ; -- andreplace concatenatelast '<comma><space>' separator with '<comma><space>and<space>' separatorsseparator
if this_wiki_name == name then
Line ୧,୮୬୯ ⟶ ୧,୯୪୭:
local vol = ''; -- here for all cites except magazine
if is_set (volume) then
if volume:match ('^[MDCLXVI]+$') or volume:match ('^%d+$')then -- volume value is all digits or all uppercase roman numerals
if (4 < mw.ustring.len(volume)) then
vol = substitute (cfg.messagespresentation['j-vol-bold'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash(volume)}); -- render in bold face
elseif (4 < mw.ustring.len(volume)) then -- not all digits or roman numerals and longer than 4 characters
vol = substitute (cfg.presentationmessages['volj-boldvol'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash(volume)}); -- not bold
add_prop_cat ('long_vol');
else -- four or less characters
vol = substitute (cfg.presentation['vol-bold'], {sepc, hyphen_to_dash(volume)}); -- bold
Line ୧,୯୩୬ ⟶ ୨,୦୧୭:
return '', '', '', ''; -- return empty strings
--[[--------------------------< I N S O U R C E _ L O C _ G E T >----------------------------------------------
returns one of the in-source locators: page, pages, or at.
If any of these are interwiki links to wikisource, returns the label portion of the interwikilink as plain text
for use in COinS. This COinS thing is done because here we convert an interwiki link to and external link and
add an icon span around that; get_coins_pages() doesn't know about the span. TODO: should it?
TODO: add support for sheet and sheets?; streamline;
TODO: make it so that this function returns only one of the three as the single in-source (the return value assigned
to a new name)?
local function insource_loc_get (page, pages, at)
local ws_url, ws_label, coins_pages, L; -- for wikisource interwikilinks; TODO: this corrupts page metadata (span remains in place after cleanup; fix there?)
if is_set (page) then
if is_set (pages) or is_set(at) then
pages = ''; -- unset the others
at = '';
extra_text_in_page_check (page); -- add this page to maint cat if |page= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (page); -- make ws url from |page= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tool tip label
if ws_url then
page = external_link (ws_url, ws_label .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in page'); -- space char after label to move icon away from in-source text; TODO: a better way to do this?
page = substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, page});
coins_pages = ws_label;
elseif is_set (pages) then
if is_set (at) then
at = ''; -- unset
extra_text_in_page_check (pages); -- add this page to maint cat if |pages= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (pages); -- make ws url from |pages= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tool tip label
if ws_url then
pages = external_link (ws_url, ws_label .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in pages'); -- space char after label to move icon away from in-source text; TODO: a better way to do this?
pages = substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, pages});
coins_pages = ws_label;
elseif is_set (at) then
ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (at); -- make ws url from |at= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tool tip label
if ws_url then
at = external_link (ws_url, ws_label .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in at'); -- space char after label to move icon away from in-source text; TODO: a better way to do this?
at = substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, at});
coins_pages = ws_label;
return page, pages, at, coins_pages;
Line ୨,୦୮୨ ⟶ ୨,୨୨୦:
t = extract_names (args, 'TranslatorList'); -- fetch translator list from |translatorn= / |translator-lastn=, -firstn=, -linkn=, -maskn=
local interviewers_list = {};
local Interviewers; -- =used A['Interviewers']later
interviewers_list = extract_names (args, 'InterviewerList'); -- process preferred interviewers parameters
if is_set (Interviewers) then -- add a maint cat if the |interviewers= is used
add_maint_cat ('interviewers'); -- because use of this parameter is discouraged
interviewers_list = extract_names (args, 'InterviewerList'); -- else, process preferred interviewers parameters
local c = {}; -- contributors list from |contributor-lastn= / contributor-firstn= pairs
Line ୨,୨୯୭ ⟶ ୨,୪୩୧:
-- check for extra |page=, |pages= or |at= parameters. (also sheet and sheets while we're at it)
select_one( args, {'page', 'p', 'pp', 'pages', 'at', 'sheet', 'sheets'}, 'redundant_parameters' ); -- this is a dummy call simply to get the error message and category
local coins_pages;
Page, Pages, At, coins_pages = insource_loc_get (Page, Pages, At);
local NoPP = A['NoPP']
Line ୨,୩୦୪ ⟶ ୨,୪୪୨:
NoPP = nil; -- unset, used as a flag later
if is_set(Page) then
if is_set(Pages) or is_set(At) then
Pages = ''; -- unset the others
At = '';
extra_text_in_page_check (Page); -- add this page to maint cat if |page= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
elseif is_set(Pages) then
if is_set(At) then
At = ''; -- unset
extra_text_in_page_check (Pages); -- add this page to maint cat if |pages= value begins with what looks like p. or pp.
-- both |publication-place= and |place= (|location=) allowed if different
Line ୨,୬୯୩ ⟶ ୨,୮୧୮:
['Volume'] = Volume,
['Issue'] = Issue,
['Pages'] = coins_pages or get_coins_pages (first_set ({Sheet, Sheets, Page, Pages, At}, 5)), -- pages stripped of external links
['Edition'] = Edition,
['PublisherName'] = PublisherName,
Line ୨,୮୯୪ ⟶ ୩,୦୧୯:
if is_set(TitleLink) and is_set(Title) then
Title = make_wikilink (TitleLink, Title);
if in_array(config.CitationClass, {'web', 'news', 'journal', 'magazine', 'pressrelease', 'podcast', 'newsgroup', 'mailinglist', 'interview', 'arxiv', 'biorxiv', 'citeseerx'}) or
('citation' == config.CitationClass and is_set (Periodical) and not is_set (Encyclopedia)) or
Line ୨,୯୨୨ ⟶ ୩,୦୪୩:
if is_set(Title) then
if not is_set (TitleLink) and is_set (URL) then
Title = external_link (URL, Title, URLorigin, UrlAccess) .. TransTitle .. TransError .. Format;
Title = external_link( URL, Title, URLorigin, UrlAccess ) .. TransTitle .. TransError .. Format;
URL = ''; -- unset these because no longer needed
Format = "";
elseif is_set (TitleLink) and not is_set (URL) then
local ws_url;
ws_url = wikisource_url_make (TitleLink); -- ignore ws_label return; not used here
if ws_url then
Title = external_link (ws_url, Title .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in title-link'); -- space char after Title to move icon away from italic text; TODO: a better way to do this?
Title = substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], TitleLink, Title});
Title = Title .. TransTitle .. TransError;
Title = make_wikilink (TitleLink, Title) .. TransTitle .. TransError;
local ws_url, ws_label;
Title = Title .. TransTitle .. TransError;
ws_url, ws_label, L = wikisource_url_make (Title); -- make ws url from |title= interwiki link; link portion L becomes tool tip label
if ws_url then
Title = Title:gsub ('%b[]', ws_label); -- replace interwiki link with ws_label to retain markup
Title = external_link (ws_url, Title .. '&nbsp;', 'ws link in title'); -- space char after Title to move icon away from italic text; TODO: a better way to do this?
Title = substitute (cfg.presentation['interwiki-icon'], {cfg.presentation['class-wikisource'], L, Title});
Title = Title .. TransTitle .. TransError;
Title = Title .. TransTitle .. TransError;
Line ୩,୩୫୩ ⟶ ୩,୪୯୨:
table.insert (render, substitute (cfg.presentation['ocins'], {OCinSoutput})); -- append metadata to the citation
if #z.message_tail0 ~= 0#z.message_tail then
table.insert (render, ' ');
for i,v in ipairs( z.message_tail ) do
Line ୩,୩୬୬ ⟶ ୩,୫୦୫:
if #z.maintenance_cats0 ~= 0#z.maintenance_cats then
local maint_msgs = {}; -- here we collect all of the maint messages
table.insert (render, '<span class="citation-comment" style="display:none; color:#33aa33; margin-left:0.3em">');
for _, v in ipairs( z.maintenance_cats ) do -- append maintenance categories
local maint = {}; -- here we assemble a maintenence message
table.insert (render, v);
table.insert (rendermaint, ' ('v); -- maint msg is the category name
table.insert (rendermaint, make_wikilink' (':Category:'); -- ..open v,the 'link')); text
table.insert (rendermaint, make_wikilink (':Category:') .. v, 'link')); -- add the link
table.insert (maint, ')'); -- and close it
table.insert (maint_msgs, table.concat (maint)); -- assemble new maint message and add it to the maint_msgs table
table.insert (render, substitute (cfg.presentation['hidden-maint'], table.concat (maint_msgs, ' '))); -- wrap the group of maint message with proper presentation and save
table.insert (render, '</span>');