"ତୁଷାରକ୍ଷତ" ପୃଷ୍ଠାର ସଂସ୍କରଣ‌ଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ତଫାତ

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ଅଧିକ ତ‌ଥ୍ୟ ଦିଆଗଲା
ଅଧିକ ତ‌ଥ୍ୟ ଦିଆଗଲା
୨୮ କ ଧାଡ଼ି:
<!-- କାରଣ ଓ ରୋଗ ନିର୍ଣ୍ଣୟ -->
ନିମ୍ନ ଉତ୍ତାପ ସଂସ୍ପର୍ଶରେ ଆସୁଥିବା ଶୀତ ଖେଳର ଖେଳାଳୀ, ମିଲିଟାରୀ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି ଓ ଗୃହହୀନ ଲୋକଙ୍କର ଏହି ସଙ୍କଟ ଅଧିକ ଥାଏ ।<ref name=Han2014>{{Cite journal|last=Handford|first=Charles|last2=Buxton|first2=Pauline|last3=Russell|first3=Katie|last4=Imray|first4=Caitlin EA|last5=McIntosh|first5=Scott E|last6=Freer|first6=Luanne|last7=Cochran|first7=Amalia|last8=Imray|first8=Christopher HE|date=2014-04-22|title=Frostbite: a practical approach to hospital management|journal=Extreme Physiology & Medicine|volume=3|pages=7|doi=10.1186/2046-7648-3-7|issn=2046-7648|pmc=3994495|pmid=24764516}}</ref><ref name=Han2017/> [[ଆଲକୋହୋଲ]] ([[:en:Alcohol|Alcohol]]), ଧୂମ୍ରପାନ, ମାନସିକ ସ୍ୱାସ୍ଥ୍ୟ ସମସ୍ୟା ([[:en:mental health problems|mental health problems]]), କେତେକ ଔଷଧ, ପୂର୍ବତନ ଥଣ୍ଡା ଆଘାତ ଥିଲେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଏହି ସଙ୍କଟ ରହିବ । <ref name=Han2017>{{cite journal|last1=Handford|first1=C|last2=Thomas|first2=O|last3=Imray|first3=CHE|title=Frostbite.|journal=Emergency medicine clinics of North America|date=May 2017|volume=35|issue=2|pages=281–299|doi=10.1016/j.emc.2016.12.006|pmid=28411928}}</ref> ସରୁ ରକ୍ତନଳୀ ([[:en:blood vessel|blood vessel]]) ଭିତରେ ଜମାଟ ରକ୍ତ ([[:en:blood clot|blood clot]]) ଓ ବରଫ କ୍ରିଷ୍ଟାଲ ତରଳିବା ସମୟରେ ଆଘାତ ହୋଇ ଏହି ରୋଗ ହୁଏ ।<ref name=Han2017/> ଲକ୍ଷଣ ଅନୁଯାୟୀ ରୋଗ ନିର୍ଣ୍ଣୟ କରାଯାଏ । <ref name=Sin2014>{{cite book|last1=Singleton|first1=Joanne K.|last2=DiGregorio|first2=Robert V.|last3=Green-Hernandez|first3=Carol|title=Primary Care, Second Edition: An Interprofessional Perspective|date=2014|publisher=Springer Publishing Company|isbn=9780826171474|page=172|url=https://books.google.ca/books?id=jJCKBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA172|language=en}}</ref> ପୃଷ୍ଠ ଦେଶ (୧ମ ଓ ୨ୟ) ବା ଗଭୀର (୩ୟ ଓ ୪ର୍ଥ), ଏହି ଦୁଇ ଭାଗରେ ରୋଗକୁ ବିଭକ୍ତ କରାଯାଏ । <ref name=Mc2014/> [[ବୋନ ସ୍କାନ]] ([[:en:bone scan]]) ବା [[ଏମଆରଆଇ]] ([[:en:MRI|MRI]]) ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ହୋଇପାରେ । <ref name=Han2017/>
<!-- Prevention and treatment -->
Prevention is through wearing proper clothing, maintaining [[management of dehydration|hydration]] and nutrition, avoiding low temperatures, and staying active without becoming exhausted.<ref name=Mc2014/> Treatment is by rewarming.<ref name=Mc2014/> This should be done only when refreezing is not a concern.<ref name=Han2017/> Rubbing or applying snow to the affected part is not recommended.<ref name=Mc2014/> The use of [[ibuprofen]] and [[tetanus vaccine|tetanus toxoid]] is typically recommended.<ref name=Han2017/> For severe injuries [[iloprost]] or [[thrombolytic]]s may be used.<ref name=Han2017/> Surgery is sometimes necessary.<ref name=Han2017/> Amputation, however, should generally be delayed for a few months to allow determination of the extent of injury.<ref name=Mc2014>{{Cite journal|last=McIntosh|first=Scott E.|last2=Opacic|first2=Matthew|last3=Freer|first3=Luanne|last4=Grissom|first4=Colin K.|last5=Auerbach|first5=Paul S.|last6=Rodway|first6=George W.|last7=Cochran|first7=Amalia|last8=Giesbrecht|first8=Gordon G.|last9=McDevitt|first9=Marion|date=2014-12-01|title=Wilderness Medical Society practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of frostbite: 2014 update|journal=Wilderness & Environmental Medicine|volume=25|issue=4 Suppl|pages=S43–54|doi=10.1016/j.wem.2014.09.001|issn=1545-1534|pmid=25498262}}</ref>
<!-- ପ୍ରତିଷେଧ ଓ ଚିକିତ୍ସା -->
ପ୍ରତିଷେଧ ନିମନ୍ତେ ଥଣ୍ଡାରୁ ଦୂରେଇ ରହିବା, ଉପ‌ଯୁକ୍ତ ପୋଷାକ ପିନ୍ଧିବା, ପୋଷକ ଓ ଜଳର ସାମଞ୍ଜସ୍ୟ ରଖିବା ([[:en:management of dehydration|hydration]]), ଥକ୍କା ନହୋଇ ସକ୍ରିୟ ରହିବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ।<ref name=Mc2014/> ପୁନଃ ଉଷୁମ ରଖି ଚିକିତ୍ସା କରାଯାଏ । <ref name=Mc2014/> ଆଉ ଥରେ ବରଫ ହେବା ସମ୍ଭାବନା ନଥିଲେ ଏହି ଉପାୟ ଅବଲମ୍ବନ କରାଯାଏ । <ref name=Han2017/> ପ୍ରଭାବିତ ଅଂଶକୁ ଘଷିବା ଓ ବରଫ ଲଗେଇବାକୁ ମନା କରାଯାଏ ।<ref name=Mc2014/> [[ଆଇବୁପ୍ରୋଫେନ୍]] ଓ [[ଟିଟାନସ ଟିକା]] ([[:en:tetanus vaccine|tetanus vaccine]]) ଦେବାକୁ ଉପଦେଶ ଦିଆଯାଏ ।<ref name=Han2017/> ସାଂଘାତିକ ଅବସ୍ଥା ହୋଇଥିଲେ [[ଇଲୋପ୍ରୋସ୍ଟ]] ([[:en:iloprost|iloprost]]) ବା [[ଥ୍ରୋମ୍ବୋଲାଇଟିକ]] ([[:en:thrombolytic|thrombolytic]]) ବ୍ୟବ‌ହାର କରାଯାଏ । <ref name=Han2017/> ସାଂଘାତିକ ଅବସ୍ଥା ଥିଲେ ଅପରେଶନ ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ହୋଇପାରେ ।<ref name=Han2017/> ଆମ୍ପୁଟେସନ କରିବା ପୂର୍ବରୁ କିଛି ମାସ ଧରି ଆଘାତର ସୀମା ନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରଣ କରିବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ । <ref name=Mc2014>{{Cite journal|last=McIntosh|first=Scott E.|last2=Opacic|first2=Matthew|last3=Freer|first3=Luanne|last4=Grissom|first4=Colin K.|last5=Auerbach|first5=Paul S.|last6=Rodway|first6=George W.|last7=Cochran|first7=Amalia|last8=Giesbrecht|first8=Gordon G.|last9=McDevitt|first9=Marion|date=2014-12-01|title=Wilderness Medical Society practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of frostbite: 2014 update|journal=Wilderness & Environmental Medicine|volume=25|issue=4 Suppl|pages=S43–54|doi=10.1016/j.wem.2014.09.001|issn=1545-1534|pmid=25498262}}</ref>
<!-- Epidemiology and history -->
The number of cases of frostbite is unknown.<ref name=Au2011>{{cite book|last1=Auerbach|first1=Paul S.|title=Wilderness Medicine E-Book: Expert Consult Premium Edition - Enhanced Online Features|date=2011|publisher=Elsevier Health Sciences|isbn=1455733563|page=181|url=https://books.google.ca/books?id=tdTInPqMCjMC&pg=PA181|language=en}}</ref> Rates may be as high as 40% a year among those who [[mountaineer]].<ref name=Han2017/> The most common age group affected is those 30 to 50 years old.<ref name=Fer2018/> Evidence of frostbite occurring in people dates back 5,000 years.<ref name=Han2017/> Frostbite has also played an important role in a number of military conflicts.<ref name=Han2017/> The first formal description of the condition was in 1814 by [[Dominique Jean Larrey]], a physician in [[Napoleon]]'s army.<ref name=Han2017/>