Usage ସମ୍ପାଦନା

Creates a link to a search query, returning all pages whose name contains a given word. Omitting the topic parameter will default to the current page name. The second parameter can be used to customize the link text; if omitted, it defaults to "All pages with titles containing "<searchterm>."

The search term may contain a quoted string.

Examples ସମ୍ପାଦନା

produces All pages with titles containing "Wales".
  • {{intitle|Wales Welsh|Article titles containing the words "Wales" and "Welsh".}}
produces Article titles containing the words "Wales" and "Welsh".
produces Article titles containing the words "Wales" or "Welsh".
  • Compare the results of {{intitle|"National Theatre"}} (a quoted string)
= All pages with titles containing ""National Theatre""
and {{intitle|National Theatre}} (two search terms, implicitly connected with AND)
= All pages with titles containing "National Theatre"
  • Formatting can also be applied, using the second parameter: {{intitle|"National Theatre"|Pages containing {{Xt|"National Theatre"}}.}}
= Pages containing "National Theatre".

See also ସମ୍ପାଦନା